, July 27, 2024

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  Apr 25, 2022

This is How Igbo Women Fought off Colonialism

The role of women in wading off colonialism in Africa is often overlooked....

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  Apr 24, 2022

The Shortest African War Recorded In History

The mysterious Anglo-Zanzibar war of 1896 is generally considered the shortest war in...

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  Apr 20, 2022

Here is How Black Masculinity Threatens White Supremacy Globally

As the New World began to flourish with white supremacy as its foundation,...

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  Apr 19, 2022

The Infamous Historical African Inter-State War that Directly Involved 20 Armed Rebel Groups

The Second Congo war, which is also known as the Great War of...

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  Apr 13, 2022

Did you Know that Basic Mathematics Came from Africa?

The origin of arithmetic has been subject to quite a lot of Eurocentric...

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  Apr 12, 2022

Did You Know that African Smallpox Inoculation Inspired Western Based Vaccinations

The COVID-19 pandemic has put the spotlight on vaccines and their effectiveness which...

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