, July 27, 2024

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  Nov 20, 2022

Where Does the Name ‘Africa’ Originate From?

For a long time, the origin of the name ‘Africa’ has been a...

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  Apr 18, 2022

The Irresistible West African Afrobeats Genre Taking Over Global Interest

The Irresistible West African Afrobeats Genre Taking Over Global Interest For the past...

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  Mar 29, 2022

Why is Central African Republic’s Name Boring and Descriptive?

A name is a significant element in the lives of Africans. A name...

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  Mar 23, 2022

Two Congos: Here is Why Africa Has Two Countries With the Same Name

The borders that divide African countries are often confusing and create more issues...

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  Mar 02, 2022

Did this African King Reach the Americas Before Christopher Columbus?

There is growing historical evidence that indicates that the earliest human migrations to...

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  Feb 20, 2022

The Misleading Western Projection of Africa on the World Map

Is the world map a conscious approach by the erstwhile western superpowers to...

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