, July 27, 2024

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Munashe O'brian Gutu

Munashe O'brian Gutu

9 posts

A pan-African son of the soil with a vision to impart and unravel the rich African history. Penning Afro-centric perspectives to de-mystify long-standing propagandist biases. Africa rise!

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  Apr 25, 2022

Top 5 Most Influential African Empires in History

Top 5 Most Influential African Empires in History Africa boasts of a rich...

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  Apr 25, 2022

This is How Igbo Women Fought off Colonialism

The role of women in wading off colonialism in Africa is often overlooked....

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  Apr 22, 2022

Is the African Continent A Hazard to White Supremacy?

Is the African Continent A Hazard to White Supremacy? The prospects of development...

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  Apr 09, 2022

The Portuguese used the Imbagala to Facilitate Slave Activities in Kongo and Angola

The Portuguese used the Imbagala to Facilitate Slave Activities in Kongo and Angola...

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  Apr 04, 2022

What You Did Not Know About South Africa's Brutal Apartheid System

The apartheid system of governance in South Africa was as pathetic as what...

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  Mar 29, 2022

The Racist Connotations of the Term Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is the term used to describe the area of the African...

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