, July 27, 2024

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Nondumiso H. Khumalo

Nondumiso H. Khumalo

6 posts

  Mar 03, 2022

How this Wealthy African King Shocked the World During his Pilgrimage to Mecca

The ruler of one of the wealthiest kingdoms in ancient Africa, Mansa Musa,...

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  Feb 23, 2022

Recent Discoveries Suggest that Mankind Originated From Many Parts of Africa, Not Just Eastern Africa

Whether one believes that God created Adam and Eve or that Charles Darwin...

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  Feb 17, 2022

How Belgium’s King Leopold Attained Ownership of the Largest Tract of Land in Africa Without Ever Visiting the Continent

In a bid to calm imminent conflicts between emerging imperial power Germany, France,...

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  Feb 05, 2022

Why Africa Turned its Back on Gaddafi

Gaddafi’s style of governance, impact, and violent interventions in other nations turned him from a revolutionary hero into an outcast...

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  Jan 27, 2022

Meet Elizabeth Jennings Graham: The Activist Who Inspired Rosa Parks

Meet Elizabeth Jennings Graham: The Activist Who Inspired Rosa Parks...

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  Jan 18, 2022

The Story of ‘Warrior Queen’ Nzinga Mbande

Nzinga was born in central West Africa around 1583 to Ngola (King) Kilombo...

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