, July 27, 2024

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Oyindamola Depo Oyedokun

Oyindamola Depo Oyedokun

38 posts

Oyindamola Depo Oyedokun is an avid reader and lover of knowledge, of most kinds. When she's not reading random stuff on the internet, you'll find her putting pen to paper, or finger to keyboard.

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  Jul 13, 2024

Exploring the Indigenous Religions and Spiritual Practices of Central Africa

Summary * Central African religions support the worship of ancestors who act as intermediaries...

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  Jul 07, 2024

Exploring the Indigenous Religions and Spiritual Practices of Southern Africa

Summary · Integration of Ancestral Beliefs and Christianity: Indigenous religions in southern Africa, such...

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  Jun 12, 2024

Exploring the Indigenous Religions and Spiritual Practices of West Africa

In Summary: * West African religions generally support the existence of a Supreme Being...

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  Jun 07, 2024

Why the Surma People of Ethiopia Wear Lip Plates and What They Mean

Summary * Cultural Significance: Lip plates among the Mursi and Suri tribes symbolize beauty,...

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  May 21, 2024

Rediscovering Pre-Colonial Education in Africa

When the colonisers stormed Africa, they came with little regard for the structures...

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  May 15, 2024

The Unsung South African World War 1 Heroes Who Lost their Lives in the SS Mendi Crash

Africa’s role in the First World War (1914-1918) is often overlooked, even...

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