, July 27, 2024

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Steady Dzinduwa

11 posts

  Apr 13, 2022

The Eminent Rise and Fall of Shaka Zulu

The Eminent Rise and Fall of Shaka Zulu Shaka Zulu may be a...

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  Apr 11, 2022

4 Major Reasons why France Prolonged the Three-year Biafran Civil War

Over a million people died in Nigeria's tragic Biafra war, which...

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  Mar 23, 2022

A Central African Female Military Queen Who Fought Against European Colonialism

The legacy of Queen Nzinga as a ruler of the Ndongo and Matamba...

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  Mar 22, 2022

How This African King Successfully Invaded Italy in 218 BC

For obvious reasons, the invasion of Europe by African kings and military generals...

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  Mar 14, 2022

Here is Why Russia’s Colonial Ambitions in Africa Never Materialized

In the late 1800s, as many European imperialists were scrambling and partitioning Africa,...

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  Mar 09, 2022

These Africans Rose From Slavery to Kingship, Ruling Over Parts of Indian for Centuries

Although they started as slaves shipped from Africa, these rulers rose to become...

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